Odin discovered
Esso discovered the Odin gas field in Norwegian block 30/10 on 28 March 1974. The reservoir lay between 1 997 and 2 067 metres below the drill floor of the Drillmaster rig.

Covered by production licence 030, the acreage had been awarded in the second licensing round in 1969. The Odin reservoir was a geological part of Frigg, and lay 26 kilometres north of the latter in about 100 metres of water. Esso was the sole licensee, but Odin gas was piped to TCP2 on Frigg.
It was largely processed there before being piped through the Frigg system to St Fergus in Scotland. Odin’s production was sold to the British Gas Corporation. The field remained on stream for a decade, from 1984 to 1994.
Yom Kippur and oil crisisThe Odin nameMore about history