Working environment committee

Two such committees were established in Elf on 15 August 1977, one for land-based staff and the other for offshore personnel. These bodies took over many of the functions which had previously been handled by the staff committee – the company medical service, training, information to the workforce, management, rationalisation and work procedures. The committees also pushed for an expansion of the administration building at Dusavik and sought better housing conditions for new employees.
Although the offshore AMU in practice covered all workers on Frigg, its members were drawn only from the operator company. The operator employees held their meetings at Elf’s offices on land. A collaboration scheme was implemented out on the installations which acted more or less as a collective AMU.
A safety delegate meeting held at a scheduled time every week discharged the AMU’s functions. This meeting was attended by the Elf platform management (administrative supervisor), a platform nurse and a safety officer, one of Elf’s chief safety delegates and a safety delegate from each company with contracts on Frigg. It functioned from 1978, and reported to the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate on injuries and near-misses.[REMOVE]Fotnote: Karlsen: Arbeidervern på sokkelen, Oslo 1982, p 63
The first women offshoreSt Fergus receiving terminal comes on line