Frøy shut in
Production from two of Frøy's wells ceased as early as 1998. A cessation plan for the field was prepared by Elf in the autumn of 1999, and production ended permanently on 5 March 2001.

Frøy had then produced 35 million barrels of oil (5.6 million standard cubic metres), 1.7 billion scm of natural gas and 625 000 barrels (100 000 scm) of condensate (light oil). After the shutdown, TotalFinaElf – so named after a series of mergers – sold the platform to Lyngdal Recycling AS. After it had been removed by Heerema Marine Contractors Nederland BV, the structure was disassembled by Lyngdal Recycling. Most of the equipment was sold, and the rest recycled.
Frigg Pipeline becomes part of VesterledCessation plan for FriggMore about history