Division of resources clarified

On 14 February 1977, almost three years behind schedule, DeGolyer and MacNaughton delivered their final report on the size of the gas reserves and their division between Norway and the UK. The reservoir was estimated to contain 268 658 million normal cubic metres (ncm) of gas, of which 60.82 per cent lay in the Norwegian sector and 39.18 per cent on the UKCS.
While the licensees had bound themselves to accept this conclusion, the Norwegian and British governments were free to accept or reject it. After much discussion, both countries accepted the proposed division on 12 December 1997. By that time, part of the field had already been developed and production was under way from the UK side.[REMOVE]Fotnote: This text is based on an unpublished manuscript by Lars Gaute Jøssang and Birger Lindanger: Pioner på sokkelen. Elf i Norge gjennom 30 år 1962-1992, and on En prøvestein på petroleumshushold og unitisering, by Gunnar Nerheim, Norsk Oljemusuems årbook 1991.
Drilling from DP2King Olav inaugurates Frigg