Plattformer Publisert 2. juli 201713. oktober 2020Teknisk dokumentasjon CDP1 person Björn Lindberg Her finner du tekniske tegninger og dokumentasjon av bore- og brønnplattformen CDP1. — DP1 conversion cathodic protection 2 © Norsk Oljemuseum Tekniske tegninger Beskrivelse Årstall Convension arrangement of anodes 1975 Convension – west elevation 1975 CDP1 development well targets CDP1 P&ID’S Equipment & platform layout – drilling Equipment & platform layout – helideck Module layout and drawing key plan Elevation layout – west side Elevation layout – east side DP1 conversion cathodic protection DP1 conversion cathodic protection 2 DP1 conversion anodes ref electrod CDP1 Saipem integration architecture CDP1 Frigg field living quarters layout Symbols standard details abbreviations Riser schematic and pipework on CDP1 CDP1 Frigg field living quarters layout 2 CDP1 Saipem integration – general arrangement CDP1 Saipem integration architecture 2 CDP1 Frigg field living quarters layout 3 Description of survey stations CDP1 Saipem integration architecture 3 CDP1 Frigg field living quarters layout 4 Piping plan outside PM4 – new living quarters Piping plan – New living quarter east Piping plan – Methanol storage tank Piping plan – modules WH1B Column Drawings Location of ears on the Columns A1-MP-QD-5027 Main Deck, Column 1200 A1-MP-QD-4916 Main Deck, Column 1600 A1-MP-QD-4915 Main Deck, Column 2000 H4, H7, B4, B7 A1-MP-QD-5029 Main Deck, Column 2000, H4, H7, B4, B7 A1-MP-QD-5033 Main Deck, Column 2000, H6 A1-MP-QD-4961 Main Deck, Column 2000, H6 A1-MP-QD-5028 Main Deck, Column 2000, H6 A1-MP-QD-5032 Main Deck, General Location of Bases plates on Main Deck A1-MP-QD-4965 Main Deck, Plates for columns top A1-MP-QD-4918 Main Deck, Type of Columns A1-MP-QD-5030 Orientation and marking of the templates A1-MP-QD-5018 Setting Anchor Bolts for Columns A1-MP-QD-5010 GBS General Arrangement General Layout and Numbering FF-91-02-10-201 1975 General Layout Plan-Defenition of Geometry FF-91-02-10-202 1975 General layout-Upper Breakwater wall-Central Shaft-Numbering of Vertical and Horizontal Cables Between Level 65.00 and 107.00 A1-MP-QV-3215 1975 Vertical Section FF-91-01-00-052 1975 Extra Pads Reqd. for Doris Deck, MPX-DP1 Conersion B-EN-SS-164 1976 MP1-CDP1-General Arrangement A1-MP-QG-1051 1976 General Plan View, Support of guide frame A1-MP-QF-1032 Nomenclature A1-MP-QF-1237 Recapitulation of the Base Plates in the Platform A1-MP-M-1189 Reducer for Condutor Sleeve General View A1-MP-QF-2007 Towage Links (repartition) A1-MP-M-1014 Vertical View A1-MP-QF-1294 View Elevation For pipe 8 A1-MP-M-1242 Topsides – plot plans Air Inlets for pressurizing system engine room Dis-J211b-139 1974 G.A. of Modules on Platform MPX – DP1 Conversion B-EN-AA-004 1975 Drilling Platform Perspective, MPX-DP1 Conversion B-EN-SS-001 1975 East Elevation on Modules, MPX-DP1 Conversion B-EN-AA-002 1975 Layout Elevation Dis-J211cd-2 1975 Lower Module Floor Plan EL. 128541 MPX to DP1 Conversion B-EN-AA-008 1975 Lower Module Roof Plan EL. 135.065, MPX – DP1 Conversion B-EN-AA-007 1975 Modules SD1, 2, 3 and Pumphouse Locations, MPX – DP1 Conversion B-EN-AA-010 1975 North Elevation, MPX to DP1 Conversion B-EN-AA-003 1975 Saipem Package Reaction, MPX – DP1 Conversion Wellhead Module 1975 Upper Module Roof Plan EL. 140765 T.O.S MPX – DP1 Conversion B-EN-AA-005 1975 Gen Assy Maintainence Hatches, CDP1 Platform CDP1-SS-465 1976 Location of Geophysical Instrument’n CDP1 Platform Level 107 000 CDP1-SS-473 1976 Staircases to Main Deck CDP1-AA-66 1976 Staircases to Production Modules CDP1-AA-67 1976 Staircases to Saipem Packages CDP1-AA-68 1976 Plot plan north elevations +139000 and +136000 1981 Plot plan south, elevation +139000 1989 Equipment layout module BR1 2003 Equipment layout, module BR2 2003 Equipment location (north), production module level 126403 2003 Equipment location (south), production module level 126403 2003 GA of core and service deck for early pull-in of risers 2003 Layout DIS.J 211b-1 2003 Plot plan (north) elevation 130.000, PM4 2003 Plot plan (north) elevation 130000, PM3 2003 Plot plan (north) elevation +130000 2003 Plot plan (south) elevation 130 000 2003 Plot plan, plan and elevations +143000 and +146000 2003 Plot plan, service deck level (north) 2003 Teknisk dokumentasjon Rapport – Report Årstall CDP1 as a decommissioned platform -operations manual 1990 revised 1997 1997 CDP1 Decommission Report 1990 CDP1 DFI. Topside and GBS (2 books) 1978 CDP1 P&ID’S produksjonsflyt 1980-85 CDP1 – SUMMARY OF STEEL ITEMS EMBEDDED IN CONCRETE TO BE CHECKED ON PLATFORM 1984 CDP1 DECOMMISSIONING – FINAL REPORT 1991 CDP1 OPERATIONS MANUAL – FRIGG FIELD – VOLUME 1 (MARK ONE) 1986 FRIGG FIELD BLOCK 10 1 – CDP1 – SUBSEA AS BUILT FILE – AS BUILT DRAWINGS – VOLUME 1 1983 FRIGG FIELD BLOCK 10 1 – CDP1 – SUBSEA AS BUILT FILE – GENERAL DRAWINGS – VOLUME 2 1980-85 FRIGG FIELD BLOCK 10 1 – CDP1 – SUBSEA AS BUILT FILE – STEEL WORK EMBEDDED IN CONCRETE – VOLUME 4 1980-85 FRIGG FIELD BLOCK 10 1 – CDP1 – SUBSEA AS BUILT FILE – CONDUCTOR GUIDE FRAME – VOLUME 5 1980-85 FRIGG FIELD BLOCK 10 1 – CDP1 – SUBSEA AS BUILT FILE – UTILITY RISERS – VOLUME 6 1980-85 FRIGG FIELD BLOCK 10 1 – CDP1 – SUBSEA AS BUILT FILE – CATHODIC PROTECTION – VOLUME 7 1980-85 FRIGG FIELD BLOCK 10 1 – CDP1 – SUBSEA AS BUILT FILE – SEAL CAISSONS – VOLUME 8 1980-85 Relaterte media: navigate_before navigate_next Publisert 2. juli 2017 • Oppdatert 13. oktober 2020 Mer om plattformer Feltet: Plattformer DP2 for boring og produksjon DP2 var en bore- og produksjonsplattform på den norske siden av Friggfeltet. Feltet: Plattformer Boligplattformen QP Boligplattformen QP (Quarters Platform) var boligplattform for de tre sentrale installasjonene på feltet, men den var også nervesenteret for Frigg feltet med kontrollrom, helikopterdekk og telekommunikasjonsutstyr. © Norsk Oljemuseum close Lukk