Teknisk dokumentasjon TP1

person Björn Lindberg
Her finner du teknisk tegninger og dokumentasjon om prosessplattformen TP1.
— Deck Units
© Norsk Oljemuseum

Tekniske tegninger

Beskrivelse    Årstall
TP1 Support columns 1975
TP1 Support truss 1975
TP1 Permanent platforms in columns 1975
General arrangement – east elevation 1976
P&ID Glycol contractors 1976
TP1 Seperator & spherical pig receiver 1976
P&ID pig receiving traps & methanol inject 1976    
TP1 Perspective 1976 
Perspective of TP1 platform 1980
Plot plan upper level 1985
Plot plan lower level
Plot plan cellar deck
General arrangement of column C1 on TP1
General arrangement of column C2 on TP1
P&ID pig receiving traps & methanol inject 2
P&ID FWKO separators & spherical pig rec
P&ID sales gas metering system
P&ID Glycol contractors 2
P&ID utility flowsheet firewater pumps
P&ID utility flowsheet diesel and gas turbin generation system
System isometric of mail gas (sht 1 of 2)
Isometric view of firewater piping at V3 & V33
Plan of flooding dewatering bypass arrangement
TP1 sign plate
Load diagram el (+)23008
Load diagram el (+)29548
Load diagram el (+)37168
Location of life boats sht 1 of 3
Location of lifeboats sht 2 fo 3
Location of lifeboats sht 3 of 3
General arrangement column C1 material handling
5,5 kV one line diagram of protection relay
MCC marshalling box wiring MB1 left
Right side marshalling box MB2 wiring
Key plan of co-ordination drawing for column
System isometric of firewater for treatment modules
Deck units
TP1 – Navigational light during tow out
TP1 – General isometric view of platform
Modules installation sequences sheet 1
TP1 firewater system piping
TP1 Identification plate
General arrangement of column 1 on TP1 platform 1982
General arrangement of column 2 on TP1 platform 1982
Simplified flooding and dewatering P&ID 2003
GBS Outside GBS General   
General perspective view NE and NW sides (A3 & A4) 1984
General perspective view SE and SW sides (A3 & A4) 1984
Operation areas of crans 1984
Relations MLW VS construction levels (A3 & A4) 1984
General perspective view NW and SW sides (A3 & A4) 1987
General perspective view NW and SW sides Glossary (A3 & A4) 1987
General plan view 1987
GBS Roof plan views
Roofs plan view general layout (A3 & A4) 1984
GBS Structural drawings inside the columns 0000
Grating plan column 2 level +17.300 1984
Grating plan column 1 level +18.300 1984
Grating plan column 1 level +5000 1984
As built existing framing col. C1 level +12400 1986
As built existing framing column 1 level +5000 1986
As built existing framing column 2 level +12.400 1986
As built existing framing column 2 level +17.300 1986
As built existing framing column 2 level +5000 1986
As built exixting framing column 1 level +18.300 1986
Grating plan column 2 level +12.400 1986
Grating plan column 1 level +12.400 1986
GBS  Structure 0000
Elevation East side (A3 & A4) 1984
Elevation North side (A3 & A4) 1984
Elevation South side (A3 & A4) 1984
Section through columns (A3 & A4) 1984
Concrete structure plan view (A3 & A4) 1987
Plot plans
General arrangement – East elevation ELN-2099-004 1975
General arrangement – South elevation ELN-2099-003 1975
Load plan modules as built 1990   
Load plan pancakes as built 1990
Plot plan – lower level 1999
Plot plan – upper deck 1999
Pot plan – cellar deck 2002


Teknisk dokumentasjon

 Rapport  – Report Årstall
DFI resume concrete structure  1977
Frigg Treatment Platform TP1 – Fact sheet  1975-78
Contractors monthly report no. 1 (february 1974)  1974
Contractors monthly report no. 9 (october 1974)  1974
Contractors monthly report no. 10 (november 1974)  1974
Contractors monthly report no. 11 (december 1974)  1974
Contractors monthly report no. 12 (january 1975)  1975
Contractors monthly report no. 13 (february 1975)  1975
Contractors monthly report no. 14 (march 1975)  1975
Contractors monthly report no. 15 (april 1975)  1975
Contractors monthly report no. 16 (may 1975)  1975
Contractors monthly report no. 17 (june 1975)  1975
Contractors monthly report no. 18 (july 1975)  1975
Installation, final report  1976
Installation procedure (McDermott Hudson)  1975
Operation manual, vol. 1, section 1 (Cancelled)  1997
Operation manual, vol. 1, section 2  1997
Operation manual, vol. 1, section 3  1997
Operation manual, vol. 1, section 4  1997
Operation manual, vol. 1, section 5  1997
Operation manual, vol. 1, section 6  1997
Operation manual, vol. 1, section 7  1997
Operation manual, vol. 1, section 8  1997
Publisert 2. juli 2017   •   Oppdatert 13. oktober 2020
© Norsk Oljemuseum
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